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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2019

Blog Tour - The Last Village by Audla English

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Blog Tour - The Last Village by Audla English Today I'm joining the blog tour for the Last Village by Audla English and am happy to share my review to see if this lovely book tempts you too. My Review What drew me straight to this book like a moth to a flame is the setting in the North East of England, near where I live and set in locations where my own ancestors came from. It’s not a long book so is perfect for a quick weekend read full of atmosphere which is quick to lose yourself in and easy to enjoy. It is a dual timeline story set in the present day and 70 years earlier when the narrators grandmother reminisces about her earlier life. There is plenty of romantic interest too as the book begins as modern day Anna is recently engaged and planning her wedding. This sets her Grandma Lillian off on a foray down memory lane to the 1940s when she was a young woman herself and times were very differ then. Living in the present day vicinity of the renowned landmark the Souter lighthous...

Two for the weekend - reviews of 2 forthcoming psychologically twisted novels

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Two for the weekend are reviews of the latest 2 new psychological novels I've read. Both books are dark and twisty and feature very flawed and damaged young women, There the similarity ends. Firstly is The Recovery of Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobels Here are my thoughts: Dark and twisty This is a deliciously dark and twisty psychological tale with not one but 2 devilishly complex and flawed female leads. Rose Gold, who is now an adult, but when she was a child she was treated appallingly by her Mom Patty, who has served time for attempting to poison her only child. Although what she really seems to have done is poisoned her mind. For one woman is as bad as the other and you never quite know who is telling the absolute truth... who to have a little sympathy for... who is the most unreliable narrator... who is the sickest in the head! It would seem that having served her time Patty is desperate to make amends with her daughter, denying the abuse she is accused of and insisting everyth...

Blog Tour - The Rectors Daughter by Jean Fullerton - review

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Blog Tour - The Rectors Daughter by Jean Fullerton - review Today is my stop on the Blog Tour from Rachels Random Resources for the latest historical romance by Jean Fullerton - The Rector's Daughter. This is a sweet, heartwarming, romantic historical saga and I’m sure fans of this genre will already be familiar with the author as she is a prolific and well-loved saga writer. The rectors daughter of the title is Charlotte, the only daughter of reverend Percival Hatton, Rector of the title who is a very dislikeable character who’s nasty nature puts you firmly on Charlotte's side from the start. As she attends the opening of the new tunnel beneath the Thames we get an idea of what her life is like as she is bossed around and made to feel like a second class citizen.  This story is set mainly in Rotherhithe, London in the early 19 th century when the ground breaking Rotherhithe tunnel under the River Thames was being constructed. Anyone familiar with the area will recognise well...

Blog Tour and Review of Mother and Child by Annie Murray

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Blog Tour and Review of Mother and Child by Annie Murray Today I am delighted to be part of the blog tour for Mother and Child by Annie Murray.  I was invited by #LoveBooksTours and @panmacmillan and am thrilled that I loved the book. My Review I was ever so pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book. It flows beautifully and really appeals to me as most of the women in it are over 40. It reminds me a lot of books I’ve read by Amanda Prowse. It’s a very emotional read dealing with some very dark subject matter but its written sensitively and with a deftness and skill that had me galloping through it. It’s the story of Jo, a middle aged woman going through a dreadful crisis. She and her husband Ian have upped sticks and moved house, trying to create a new start for themselves at a time they are both still grieving over the pointless death of their teenage son Paul. Seething with grief and simmering with bitterness at the feckless youth who’s recklessness took the l...

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