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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2018

Blog Tour and my Review – The Retreat by Mark Edwards

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Blog Tour and my Review – The Retreat by Mark Edwards I’m delighted to welcome one of my favourite authors of twisty psychological thrillers, Mark Edwards,  to Beadyjans books today with his latest terrifying new book – The Retreat. My Review: The Retreat is a clever and compelling thriller with great characters lots going on and plenty to scare the pants off you! If you’re reading my blog it figures that you’re a keen reader, blogger or writer and most of us who write, whether it be books, articles, blog posts or book reviews will surely have dreamt of some place quiet and peaceful to get away from the stresses of everyday life - the phones constantly ringing, people clamouring for our attention and thoughts and memories crowding in and interrupting the creative process. Well, that’s just what successful horror author Lucas thinks he’s found when he books a break at a newly created writers retreat in an old rural house in Wales, where owner Julia is trying to make ends meet after ...

Blog Tour and my review for The Old You by Louise Voss

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Blog Tour and my review for The Old You by Louise Voss. Today I am part of the buzzing blog tour for the fab twistiness that is the latest thriller from Louise Voss. My Review “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive” … There is a whole load of deception within these pages and to find out who is deceiving who and why, you’ll have to read it. I just read it and it blew my socks clean off. If you like your books to mess with your mind then this will fit the bill. The Old You begins quite gently with a dreadfully sad subject, the early onset of dementia and as we watch Lynn come to terms with her husbands sudden and rapid decline into senility it seems as though this is going to be a heart-breaking family drama, which it is …. in a way, however it is also Domestic Noir with a capital N, at its very darkest, filled with secrets and lies and OMG moments. Psychologically it’s mind blowing and so damned cunning it’s a joy to read. Lynn married Ed ten years ago when t...

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