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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2013

$50 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway!

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I was contacted last week by a lovely lady over at AO , an online appliance store based in the UK who told me she wanted to give me free books! I know what you're thinking - "Lisa you just got spammed" but this is no joke. There are people (and companies) in the world who believe RAK and making people happy! I got to pick a couple of books I've been wanting to read and they're on their way via Amazon to me! However   AO 's generosity doesn't stop there, they want to give YOU free books as well. However since I have no idea what everyone wants to read, I mean the books I want to read might not be what you guys want to read RIGHT? So through  AO , I am hosting a giveaway for a $50 Amazon Giftcard! With this giftcard you can books or anything else you want to (but hey, we all know it's going to be books).  So all you have to do to enter yourself to win is fill out the Rafflecopter form below - Open Internationally a Rafflecopter giveaway Goodluck! And th...

Dare You To

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Review Time! Sorry for the lack of posts lately I know I keep apologising but I've been so busy and honestly I haven't felt in the mood to blog so I took a mini (unannounced) hiatus. School's trying to force feed me all this information that I don't understand and reading has really just been taking a backseat! However today I bring you my long overdue review of Dare You To by Katie McGarry. The companion novel to Pushing the Limits, this is Beth's story! You can purchase Dare You To from  Fishpond  |  The Nile  |  The Book Depository  |  Bookworld . Thanks to HarlequinTeen for the review copy! (Goodreads)  If anyone knew the truth about Beth Risk's home life, they'd send her mother to jail and seventeen-year-old Beth who knows where. So she protects her mom at all costs. Until the day her uncle swoops in and forces Beth to choose between her mom's freedom and her own happiness. That's how Beth finds herself living with an aunt who doesn't want ...

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